Dual Refrigerant Diagnostic Sight Glass Tool P/N 69215

The Dual Refrigerant Diagnostic Sight Glass Tool, P/N 69215, is the only sight glass tool available on the market to service both R134a and R1234yf systems. This tool can be used before the repair to evaluate the condition of the system and to verify the presence of sealers, dyes or other contaminants. The Dual Refrigerant Diagnostic Sight Glass Tool can also be used after the repair to verify the system was flushed successfully and there is no remaining system debris.

P/N 69215 Includes:

  • A/C Diagnostic Sight Glass
  • Hard-sided carrying case with protective padding
  • One set of 36" hoses
  • One set of R134a manual service couplers
  • One R134a low side service port with cap
  • One set of R1234yf manual service couplers
  • One R1234yf low side service port with cap


  • View real-time system operation
  • Visual alert to contamination before servicing, such as:
    • Burnt of discolored oil
    • Debris
    • Sealers or dyes
    • Oil Separation
  • Helps determine contamination severity
  • Visually inspect system charge and oil
  • Durable construction for long service life
  • Filter traps fine debris that could restrict flow of refrigerant and oil
  • Clear outer plastic sleeves protect the inner sight glass from damage

Learn more here.

The refrigerant is clean and clear with no evidence of separation or dye. To use a UV light to check for a leak, dye will need to be added.

This system has dye already present and can be directly checked with an UV leak detector without adding additional dye.

This system contains metallic debris, possibly as the result of a catstrohpic compressor failure. The condenser, along with all other non-flushable components, must be replaced.

The refrigerant and oil have separated in this system which could leak to compressor failure. This system also has dye already present so adding more would be unnecessary.